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Detroit urban survival guy...goes viral

 Dale Brown is a guy who has recently gone viral...the Detroit Urban Survival guy. He teaches self-defense tactics on his YouTube channel and TikTok.

He teaches a lot of techniques on how to deal with an attacker in the street, such as if they have a weapon or something like that. 

Dale Brown from Detroit urban survival training
Dale Brown is a master at martial arts

Dale has gotten his fair share of haters, saying that he doesn't know what he's doing and that he's giving bad advice that wouldn't work in the real world.

I think that's just coming from people who don't know what they're talking about. Dale has real experience in the streets, and he's from Detroit. Do people even realize how bad it is in Detroit? They don't unless they've been there. 👀


If you were in a real situation like that, wouldn't you want to at least try something? These people are professionals, and they know what they're talking about.

At any rate, a lot of people have been making YouTube videos talking about this guy, including PewDiePie.

I think people should stop making fun of him and give him a chance. I've watched his videos and I think his advice is awesome! You have to admit, he has some really great knowledge of self-defense that could really help people out.

Support him

Even if you don't like him, maybe just give one of his videos a like and help his success on social media. He definitely has earned it. Dale is a hero in my opinion for helping so many people. I think we should all strive to be like him.

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