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Chandler's new laptop meme (Friends scene)

 Does anyone remember this scene from Friends? The "Chandler laptop meme", when Chandler got a new laptop. It's one of the funniest scenes from the whole series. And now it is a meme.

Meme of Chandler's laptop from the show Friends
The infamous meme

Apparently, Chandler's laptop has been a meme on the internet for quite some time, but I'm only now finding out about it. It's so funny because back then, a computer like this was a beast and superfast. But when we look at it now, it's so pathetic compared to the computers we have now.

It's great to watch this scene and have a good laugh. 

You can find the scene on YouTube

Friends tv show opening theme logo
The Friends intro scene

Friends is a wildly popular show that is played a lot across different mediums. It runs regularly on some TV channels, and you can also find it streaming on various platforms and around the internet. This show remains popular among different age groups.

I'm a huge fan

I used to watch this show regularly. It's one of my all-time favorite shows. I honestly learned a lot about life from this show when I moved out on my own when I was in my early 20s. Needless to say, there are tons of memes out there about Friends.

It's one of those shows you can actually make endless viral content about, because it's so funny and there are so many episodes. You could make memes for days about this show, and I love it. Who's your favorite character on this show? Is it Chandler? He sure is funny.

A popular show

I'll bet if you talk to most people, and ask them randomly, they would say they used to watch the show Friends. Maybe only older people, though. Although, the show is pretty popular with younger people, too.

It's just a very popular show that has many funny moments throughout.

But everyone on the show is funny in their own way.

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  1. What about you? Did you ever watch this popular sitcom "Friends"? Did you think Chandler was funny with his new laptop? Leave a comment and let us know


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