"Goonies" film sequel officially in the works

Adam Sandler spotted eating a jar of pickles in New York City

 Have you seen this picture of Adam Sandler? What a humble guy. He's just walking around the streets of New York, eating a jar of pickles. I'm not really sure about the context of this meme. 

A meme of Adam Sandler eating pickles in NYC
Adam Sandler is a great guy 

I'm not sure exactly WHY he was walking around eating pickles. That's anyone's guess. But he is Adam Sandler, after all, so he is known for doing epic stuff. 👦

This just shows how humble Adam really is. How many celebrities would you see doing this? I want to add that pickles are amazing, by the way.

But yeah, this just shows that Adam is a regular, humble guy. You have to love him. He's really awesome. And he deserves all his success as well. Adam is just an all-around amazing person. I watched his movies a lot as a kid, and they're still awesome.

He's a favorite

Who doesn't love watching his funny movies? I think we should spread the word about how great this actor is.

If you love this picture of Adam, please share it with your friends.


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