"Goonies" film sequel officially in the works

A poor runaway puppy was covered in mud....

And done…wait, what the heck? Bamboozled again! Look what was hiding underneath all of that matted fur. An awesome fox. This is one of the coolest foxes I've ever seen!
A meme of a fox with matted fur

It's just amazing that they cleaned this fox up so much. It's incredible that it looked so much like a dog, but it was really a fox after all.

I love these animals

Foxes are such awesome animals. They look so cool. They're like a cross between a dog and a cat. Likewise, they look so cool. I'd love to have one as a pet. I'm so glad someone found this little guy and came to rescue him and clean him all up. 

There are still kind people

What a special little guy. People like this deserve all the good things in life for helping animals. We should always treat animals well. They are God's children as well. This little guy really bamboozled us! We thought he was something else, but then he really surprised us. What are some things you've seen animals do that surprised you? I'm sure you can think of some.


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