"Goonies" film sequel officially in the works

How big are your apple collections? (funny meme)

That moment when you're trying to text someone, and it doesn't go as planned, all because of autocorrecting. That can be such a pain sometimes. We all have to deal with it, sadly. Sure makes for some interesting text exchanges, though.
A funny texting meme about apple collections
Isn't that hilarious?

How big are your Apple collections? I'm not sure what this person was trying to say exactly, but it's pretty funny, you have to admit.

Texting is funny

Texting can cause a lot of miscommunication sometimes. Sometimes it's easier just to call someone. But this is a funny meme indeed. Have you ever texted someone and this happened? It said a bunch of random stuff that didn't make any sense.

This meme is great

The thing is, you have to try not to actually send the text if it's not correct. Such a funny meme though and so true. I really love relatable memes like this that make you laugh out loud. Do you agree? Share this with your friends if you love this.


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