"Goonies" film sequel officially in the works

How to make sushi (meme)

This is how you make Sushi, in a nutshell. You might want to skip the fetal position part. But let's be honest, we all feel like this at some point or another in our lives. It happens to the best of us. Making Sushi is supposed to be fun.

I thought making sushi would be fun, but instead, it might make me depressed. 
A funny meme about how to make sushi
That's how you make sushi?

Is this meme accurate or what?

Don't be depressed, everything will be ok. Things will get better. Maybe let's do something else besides make sushi. 

That's a good idea. 😃

And by the way, people do love you. So don't dwell on negative things. Lots of people love you, in fact. Look at the bright side of things. This is one of those memes that I feel like a lot of us can relate to. We all have days when we just don't feel good enough, or that we're a failure.

You have to keep going and know that things will improve.


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